Different Types of Predicting Your Future

Your astrologer looks at your chart with the different methods to divine the fate of a particular venture. Different methods have been in existence for the past few decades and are intended to support the astrologer and analyze the places, relationships, and events. This predictive astrology will work well, but you will need a date that the astrologer can create a chart to predict your future. Below are the different types of astrologers who use predictive astrology. The Solar Revolution (SR) and the Lunar Revolution (LR) The Solar return has generally termed the method of the solar revolution. The Lunar return is usually termed as the lunar revolution. These methods are calculated depending upon when the Sun and the Moon return to their normal natal positions. SR is a chart cast with the particular day and time, and place where the native at the time of your birth. The Sun's position in the chart is exactly similar to the natal chart. The SR chart is then merged with ...